JT’S SEPTIC DOES NOT PERFORM ANY ADEQ INSPECTIONS FOR THE SALE OF A HOME - THERE ARE MANY QUALIFIED COMPANIES IN YAVAPAI COUNTY THAT CAN ASSIST YOU DURING THIS PROCESS! As of July 2006, Arizona law requires home owners with onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems have their system inspected by a qualified Transfer of Ownership Inspector. The inspection report provides a full disclosure of the conditions of the septic system. The report does not guarantee compliance with codes, nor does it guarantee that the system will work in the future.
file a transfer of ownership
Inspection of a Cesspool
Once an inspector discovers a cesspool during an inspection, the inspection and report becomes one of full disclosure to the buyer and no longer qualifies as an inspection for the Transfer of Ownership program as ADEQ does not recognize cesspools as legitimate onsite wastewater treatment facilities. As a realtor, it is important to provide full disclosure to potential buyers. The use of a cesspool is prohibited (Arizona administrative Code R18-9-A309.A.4.). Cesspools are not grandfathered. As always, check with Yavapai County Environmental Services for more information on your system.